It says, in a dry, whispery voice, "None must go beyond." It doesn't move or speak. A figure stands here, a waxy golem carved in the shape of a human. It stares straight ahead, seeing nothing. 0 stnd 25 "Go. Now." "We could not kill him. I am sure you cannot either. He will fill Exile with his foul brood, and the humanity of the caves would serve as his cattle. Do not let this happen! Leave now, before you do unimaginable harm. I beg you, in the name of Exile." 0 conseq 10 "Beyond this place lies the tower where the mighty demon lord Grah-Hoth lies imprisoned. It is unlikely you could free him, but if you did, your mind cannot encompass the consequences." 0 lord 10 "Once, long ago, there was a war against an army of demons and foul spirits. I led our troops, and I fell, a gout of Haakai flame shattering my chest. I am here now, forever trying to keep the unknowing from freeing the demon lord." 0 prisoner 10 "I died long past, in the war against our prisoner." "I am Prince Hrothar." The insubstantial form of a man wearing a crown sits on the throne. An eerie heat and power radiates from him. 0 stnd 10 The response is silence. 20 5 There are three large runes on the wall between the doors. You recognize them - warning, imprisonment, and death. You find an ancient sign, carved into the living rock: BEWARE, for death lies in and beyond. You find an ancient message, carved into the living rock: SKARRAGATH Skarragath